123TE    123I EC DECAY (13.2230 H)     1976WA13,2012Ko47         21NDS    202105
123TE  H TYP=ERR$AUT=Jun Chen$CUT=27-Aug-2021$
123TE2 H COM=added missing EC fractions by running log| {Ift}
123TE  H TYP=FUL$AUT=Jun Chen$CIT=NDS 174, 1 (2021)$CUT=15-Apr-2021$
123TE DG CC$FROM BrIcc v2.3 (29-Mar-2013) 2008Ki07, "Frozen Orbitals" appr.
123TE c  2012Ko47: radionuclide {+123}I was produced at the IPEN Cyclone-30
123TE2c  cyclotron at the Nuclear Metrology Laboratory (LMN) at the Nuclear and
123TE3c  Energy Research Institute (IPEN) , by means of {+124}Xe(p,2n){+123}Cs
123TE4c  reaction, followed by {+123}Cs decay. |g and X rays were detected by
123TE5c  NaI(Tl) and HPGe detectors and electrons were detected by a gas-flow or
123TE6c  pressured 4|p proportional counter in 4|p|b-|g coincidence systems.
123TE7c  Measured E|g, I|g, E(X-ray), I(X-ray), E|b, I|b. Deduced |g-ray
123TE8c  emission probabilities, 159|g conversion coefficient from the
123TE9c  experimental extrapolation curve. Comparisons with available data.
123TE c  1976Wa13: {+123}I source was produced via {+123}Te(p,n) on isotopically
123TE2c  enriched targets at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. |g rays were
123TE3c  detected with ordinary and Compton-suppressed Ge(Li) spectrometers.
123TE4c  Measured E|g, I|g. Deduced levels, J, |p, |b branching ratios,
123TE5c  log {Ift}. Comparisons with theoretical calculations. Systematics of
123TE6c  neighboring Te isotopes.
123TE c  1979Sc13: {+123}I activity was obtained from the decay of {+123}Xe
123TE2c  produced by proton bombardment of iodine. |g rays were detected with
123TE3c  a NaI detector. Measured E|g, |g(|q,t). Deduced levels, J, |p, |g-ray
123TE4c  mixing ratios. Deduced magnetic moment of {+123}I g.s. using the
123TE5c  technique of nuclear magnetic resonance of oriented nuclei (NMR/ON).
123TE c  1970Sp03: source of {+123}I was produced by high-energy spallation
123TE2c  of 3 GeV proton from the Princeton-Pennsylvania Accelerator on a
123TE3c  natural lanthanum target. |g rays were detected with four Ge(Li)
123TE4c  detectors. Measured E|g, I|g, |g|g-coin. Deduced levels. Comparisons
123TE5c  with available data.
123TE c  1968Ra11: source of {+123}I was produced by {+121}Sb({+4}He,2n) with
123TE2c  30 MeV {+4}He beam from the MIT cyclotron on Sb metal (98.4% in
123TE3c  {+121}Sb). |g rays were detected with a Ge(Li) detector and a NaI(Tl)
123TE4c  crystal. Measured E|g, I|g, |g|g-coin. Deduced levels, J, |p, |b
123TE5c  branching ratios, log {Ift}. Comparisons with theoretical calculations.
123TE6c  Systematics of neighboring Te isotopes.
123TE c  1969Se09: {+123}I source was produced via Te(p,xn) with 80 MeV proton
123TE2c  beam from the synchrocyclotron at Orsay. |g rays were detected with a
123TE3c  Ge(Li) detector and a NaI detector. Measured E|g, I|g, |g|g-coin,
123TE4c  |g|g(|q). Deduced |g-ray mixing ratios. See 1967Se05 for deduced
123TE5c  levels, J, |p, |b-decay branching ratios, log {Ift}.
123TE c  Others:
123TE c  I|g: 1960Gu02, 1986AgZW, 1986Fl03, 1987Ja13, 1990Ma24
123TE c  Parent T{-1/2}: 2012Re25, 2018Bo02, 2004Da05, 1973Ka45
123TE cE TI$From |g+ce intensity balance at each level
123TE cG E,RI$From 1976Wa13, unless otherwise noted.
123TE2cG Intensities quoted as from 2012Ko47 are deduced by the evaluator
123TE3cG by normalizing their absolute intensities to I(159|g)=100. For values
123TE4cG from 1976Wa13, a 3% uncertainty has been added in quadruture by the
123TE5cG evaluator to the quoted uncertainties in 1976Wa13 to account for the
123TE6cG uncertainty in efficiency calibration, which is normally 2%-3% and is
123TE7cG considered not included by 1976Wa13, since some of their uncertainties
123TE8cG are unrealistically small (<1%).
123TE cG E(A)$From energy difference of E(levels).
123TE cG M,MR$From Adopted Gammas. Values from this study are given in comments.
123TE cG MR(X)$Adopted value is deduced (by the evaluator) from A{-4}=0 and
123TE2cG A{-2} (given in comments) of |g-159|g(|q) in 1969Se09 with adopted
123TE3cG |d(E2/M1)=+0.079 {I11} for 159|g.
123TE cL E$From a least-squares fit to |g-ray energies, assuming |DE|g=0.3 keV
123TE2cL where not given.
123TE cL J,T$From Adopted Levels.
123I   P 0.0         5/2+              13.2230 H 19             1228      3
123I  cP J,T$From Adopted Levels of {+123}I
123I  cP QP$From 2021Wa16
123TE  N   0.8360  19              1.00
123TE cN NR$From |SI(|g+ce to g.s.+247.5 levels)=100. No direct |e decay to
123TE2cN g.s. and 247.5 level is expected.
123TE PN                                                                     3
123TE  G 190.7     1 0.0006  2
123TE2 G %IG=0.00050 17
123TE  G 259.0     2 0.0011  5
123TE2 G %IG=0.0009  5
123TE  G 574       1 0.007                                                     ?
123TE2 G %IG=0.005852 13
123TE cG E,RI$from 1967Se05 only
123TE  G 760.85    200.00075 25
123TE2 G %IG=0.00063 21
123TE  G 898.2     2 0.0007  4
123TE2 G %IG=0.0006  4
123TE  L 0.0         1/2+
123TE  L 159.00     33/2+              196 PS    10
123TE  E                         97.0  5   5.255  4             97.0      5
123TES E CK=0.8534$CL=0.11590 2$CM+=0.030717 5
123TE  G 159.00    5 100       M1+E2     +0.079  11    0.187                 C
123TE2 G %IG=83.60 19
123TES G KC=0.1611 23$LC=0.0209 3$MC=0.00417 6
123TES G NC=0.000824 12$OC=8.91E-5 13
123TEB G BM1W=0.0234 11$BE2W=2.5 5
123TE cG E$weighted average of 159.1 {I1} (1968Ra11), 159.0 {I3} (1970Sp03), and
123TE2cG 158.97 {I5} (1976Wa13). Other: 159 {I1} (1967Se05)
123TE cG MR$0.18 {I+8-14} from |a(exp)=0.1905 {I32} (2012Ko47), using the
123TE2cG BrIccMixing program
123TE  L 247.5       11/2-             119.2 D   3                           M
123TE cL E$rounded value from Adopted Levels
123TE  L 440.01     43/2+              22 PS     4
123TE cL J$spin=3/2 from |g|g(|q) in 1969Se09
123TE  E                         0.424 13  7.34  2              0.424     13
123TES E CK=0.8510$CL=0.11775 3$CM+=0.031290 9
123TE cE IE$0.015 {I16} with a 95% confidence level from a direct measurement by
123TE2cE 1990Ma24
123TE  G 281.03    5 0.086   3 M1+E2     -0.24   +10-140.0409 8             XC
123TE2 G %IG=0.072  3
123TES G KC=0.0352 6$LC=0.00454 17$MC=0.00091 4
123TES G NC=0.000179 7$OC=1.93E-5 6
123TE cG E$others: 281.0 {I5} (1968Ra11), 281.3 {I5} (1970Sp03), 282 {I1}
123TE2cG (1967Se05). Other: 282 {I1} (1967Se05), 275 {I10} (1960Gu02)
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.08 {I1} (1968Ra11), 0.08 {I3} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 0.095 {I3} (1976Wa13), and 0.0841 {I16} (2012Ko47). Other: 0.053
123TE3cG (1967Se05), 0.14 {I3} (1960Gu02)
123TE cG MR$from A{-2}=-0.26 {I3} of 281|g-159|g(|q) (1969Se09), also giving
123TE2cG other possible |d=-1.9 {I5} which is less likely since it would
123TE3cG require a much larger B(E2)(W.u.). Others: -0.08 to 0, or +3.4 to +4.9
123TE4cG from |d{+2}/(1+|d{+2})<0.007 (|d<0) or 0.92 to 0.96 (|d>0),
123TE5cG respectively, from |g(|q) anisotropy in 1979Sc13
123TE  G 440.02    5 0.464   12M1+E2     -2.1    1     0.01199               C
123TE2 G %IG=0.388 10
123TES G KC=0.01021 15$LC=0.001432 20$MC=0.000287 4
123TES G NC=5.62E-5 8$OC=5.83E-6 9
123TE cG E$weighted average of 440.4 {I5} (1968Ra11), 440.2 {I4} (1970Sp03), and
123TE2cG 440.02 {I5} (1976Wa13). Others: 440 {I1} (1967Se05), 439.2 (1969Se09),
123TE3cG 440.0 (1987Ja13), 435 {I10} (1960Gu02)
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.42 {I2} (1968Ra11), 0.42 {I8} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 0.514 {I17} (1976Wa13), 0.464 {I9} (2012Ko47), 0.450 {I15} (1987Ja13),
123TE3cG and 0.44 {I9} (1960Gu02). Other: 0.255 (1967Se05)
123TE cG MR$+0.14 to +0.20, or -4.9 to -2.5 from |d{+2}/(1+|d{+2})=0.02 to 0.04
123TE2cG (|d>0) or 0.86 to 0.96 (|d<0), respectively, from |g(|q) anisotropy in
123TE3cG 1979Sc13
123TE  L 489.73     8 7/2+             30.7 NS   4
123TE  E                        0.0026 14  9.5   3              0.0026    14
123TES E CK=0.8503$CL=0.11824 4$CM+=0.03144 1
123TE  G 330.70    8 0.0139  7 [E2]                    0.0282
123TE2 G %IG=0.0116  6
123TES G KC=0.0236 4$LC=0.00370 6$MC=0.000748 11
123TES G NC=0.0001450 21$OC=1.447E-5 21
123TE cG RI$other: 0.0149 {I6} for 330.7|g+329.4|g (2012Ko47)
123TE  L     505.34 4 5/2+             13 PS      3
123TE cL J$spin=5/2 from |g|g(|q) in 1969Se09
123TE  E                         0.405 11  7.28  1              0.405     11
123TES E CK=0.8501$CL=0.11840 4$CM+=0.03149 1
123TE  G 346.36    5 0.144   3 M1+E2     +0.07   8     0.0236               XC
123TE2 G %IG=0.120  3
123TES G KC=0.0204 3$LC=0.00257 4$MC=0.000511 8
123TES G NC=0.0001012 15$OC=1.102E-5 16
123TE cG E$weighted average of 346.6 {I5} (1968Ra11), 347.0 {I5} (1970Sp03), and
123TE2cG 346.35 {I5} (1976Wa13). Others: 346 {I1} (1967Se05), 340 {I10}
123TE3cG (1960Gu02)
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.16 {I3} (1960Gu02), 0.12 {I2} (1968Ra11), 0.11
123TE2cG {I3} (1970Sp03), 0.151 {I5} (1976Wa13), and 0.142 {I3} (2012Ko47).
123TE3cG Other: 0.087 (1967Se05)
123TE cG MR$from A{-2}=+0.006 {I30} of 346|g-159|g(|q) in 1969Se09, also giving
123TE2cG other possible |d=+3.4 {I+13-8} which is less likely since it would
123TE3cG require a much larger B(E2)(W.u.). Others: +0.20 to +0.29 from
123TE4cG |d{+2}/(1+|d{+2})=0.04 to 0.08 (|d>0) from |g(|q) anisotropy in
123TE5cG 1979Sc13, with J(688)=5/2
123TE  G 505.33    5 0.344   9  (E2)                                         C
123TE2 G %IG=0.288  8
123TE cG E$others: 505.6 {I6} (1968Ra11), 505.6 {I5} (1970Sp03), 505 {I1}
123TE2cG (1967Se05), 500 {I10} (1960Gu02)
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.31 {I5} (1968Ra11), 0.32 {I8} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 0.379 {I12} (1976Wa13), 0.337 {I6} (2012Ko47), and 0.28 {I6}
123TE3cG (1960Gu02). Other: 0.193 (1967Se05)
123TE cG M$Q from |g(|q) anisotropy in 1979Sc13
123TE  L 532.82    11(7/2-)
123TE  E                        0.0044 5   9.21   5             0.0044    5
123TES E CK=0.8497$CL=0.11871 4$CM+=0.03159 2
123TE  G 285.32    110.0051  5
123TE2 G %IG=0.0043  5
123TE  L     599.57151/2+
123TE  G 599.69    160.0031  4
123TE2 G %IG=0.0026  4
123TE cG RI$from 2012Ko47. Other: 0.0031 {I11} (1976Wa13)
123TE  L 687.97     43/2+
123TE cL J$spin=3/2 from |g|g(|q) in 1969Se09; 5/2 from |g(|q) anisotropy in
123TE2cL 1979Sc13
123TE  E                         1.51  5   6.45  2              1.51      5
123TES E CK=0.8466$CL=0.12110 6$CM+=0.03233 2
123TE  G 182.62    6 0.0156  7 [M1,E2]                  0.17  4              C
123TE2 G %IG=0.0130  6
123TES G KC=0.14 3$LC=0.024 10$MC=0.0048 21
123TES G NC=0.0009 4$OC=9.E-5 3
123TE cG E$weighted average of 183.7 {I10} (1968Ra11), 183.0 {I7} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG and 182.61 {I6} (1976Wa13). Other: 183 {I1} (1967Se05)
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.03 {I2} (1968Ra11), 0.03 {I1} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 0.0155 {I7} (1976Wa13), and 0.018 {I7} (2012Ko47). Other: 0.026
123TE3cG (1967Se05)
123TE  G 198.23      0.004   1 [E2]                    0.1545
123TE2 G %IG=0.0033  9
123TES G KC=0.1242 18$LC=0.0243 4$MC=0.00497 7
123TES G NC=0.000952 14$OC=8.92E-5 13
123TE cG RI$other: 0.003 {I5} for 198.2|g+197.2|g (2012Ko47)
123TE  G 247.97    5 0.0829  18 (M1+E2)                 0.064 8              C
123TE2 G %IG=0.0693 16
123TES G KC=0.054 5$LC=0.0083 21$MC=0.0017 5$NC+=0.00039 10
123TE cG E$weighted average of 248.3 {I5} (1968Ra11), 248.4 {I5} (1970Sp03), and
123TE2cG 247.96 {I5} (1976Wa13). Other: 248 {I1} (1967Se05)
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.08 {I1} (1968Ra11), 0.07 {I2} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 0.085 {I3} (1976Wa13), and 0.0824 {I18} (2012Ko47). Other: 0.070
123TE3cG (1967Se05)
123TE cG MR$-0.55 to -0.14, or -2.1 to -1.0 from |d{+2}/(1+|d{+2})=0.02 to 0.23
123TE2cG or 0.48 to 0.81 (|d<0), respectively, from |g(|q) anisotropy in
123TE3cG 1979Sc13, with J(688)=5/2
123TE  G 528.97    5 1.52    12 (M1+E2)                                      C
123TE2 G %IG=1.27 10
123TE cG E$weighted average of 529.0 {I4} (1968Ra11), 529.3 {I4} (1970Sp03), and
123TE2cG 528.96 {I5} (1976Wa13). Others: 529.0 (1987Ja13), 530 {I10} (1960Gu02)
123TE cG RI$unweighted average of 1.27 {I11} (1968Ra11), 1.26 {I24} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 1.67 {I5} (1976Wa13), 1.49 {I3} (2012Ko47), 1.411 {I29} (1987Ja13), and
123TE3cG 2.0 {I3} (1960Gu02). Other: 0.780 (1967Se05)
123TE cG MR$-0.09 {I6} or -2.8 {I+6-7} deduced (by the evaluator) from
123TE2cG A{-2}=-0.19 {I2} of 529|g-159|g(|q) in 1969Se09, using adopted
123TE3cG |d(E2/M1)=+0.079 {I11} for 159|g, with J(688)=3/2. Others:
123TE4cG +0.44 to +0.64, or +4 to +10 from |d{+2}/(1+|d{+2})=0.16 to 0.29 or
123TE5cG 0.94 to 0.99 (|d>0), respectively, from |g(|q) anisotropy in 1979Sc13,
123TE6cG with J(688)=5/2
123TE  G 687.94    8 0.0321  9
123TE2 G %IG=0.0268  8
123TE cG E$weighted average of 687.7 {I6} (1968Ra11), 687.7 {I5} (1970Sp03), and
123TE2cG 687.95 {I8} (1976Wa13). Other: 688 {I1} (1967Se05)
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.03 {I1} (1968Ra11), 0.04 {I2} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 0.0321 {I18} (1976Wa13), and 0.0321 {I9} (2012Ko47). Others: 0.017
123TE3cG (1967Se05), <0.08 (1960Gu02)
123TE  L 697.53     5(7/2)+
123TE cL J$spin=7/2 from |g|g(|q) in 1969Se09
123TE  E                         0.406 13  7.00  2              0.406     13
123TES E CK=0.8463$CL=0.12130 7$CM+=0.03239 2
123TE  G 192.18    7 0.0212  13 [M1,E2]                 0.14  3              C
123TE2 G %IG=0.0177 11
123TES G KC=0.117 21$LC=0.020 8$MC=0.0040 16
123TES G NC=0.0008 3$OC=7.6E-5 24
123TE cG E$weighted average of 192.7 {I10} (1968Ra11), 193 {I1} (1970Sp03), and
123TE2cG 192.17 {I7} (1976Wa13). Other: 192 {I1} (1967Se05)
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.03 {I2} (1968Ra11), 0.03 {I2} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 0.0238 {I11} (1976Wa13), and 0.0194 {I9} (2012Ko47). Other: 0.023
123TE3cG (1967Se05)
123TE  G 207.80      0.0013  4 [M1,E2]                 0.111  21            A
123TE2 G %IG=0.0011  4
123TES G KC=0.092 15$LC=0.015 6$MC=0.0031 11
123TES G NC=0.00059 20$OC=5.9E-5 17
123TE cG RI$other: 0.0046 {I5} for 207.8|g+206.8|g (2012Ko47)
123TE  G 257.51    150.0018  5 [E2]                    0.0637
123TE2 G %IG=0.0015  5
123TES G KC=0.0525 8$LC=0.00902 13$MC=0.00183 3
123TES G NC=0.000353 5$OC=3.43E-5 5
123TE cG RI$other: %I|g=0.00016 {I4} in Table 3 of 2012Ko47 could be a misprint
123TE  G 538.54    5 0.37    4                                               C
123TE2 G %IG=0.31  4
123TE cG E$others: 538.5 {I5} (1968Ra11), 538.5 {I5} (1970Sp03), 538 {I1}
123TE2cG (1967Se05), 538.0 (1987Ja13)
123TE cG RI$unweighted average of 0.32 {I2} (1968Ra11), 0.31 {I6} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 0.458 {I15} (1976Wa13), 0.411 {I7} (2012Ko47) and 0.379 {I16}
123TE3cG (1987Ja13). Other: 0.195 (1967Se05)
123TE  L 769.27    14
123TE  E                        0.0037 7   8.9    1             0.0037    7
123TES E CK=0.8440 2$CL=0.12306 9$CM+=0.03294 3
123TE  G 329.38    170.0031  7
123TE2 G %IG=0.0026  6
123TE  G 610.05    230.0013  4
123TE2 G %IG=0.0011  4
123TE cG RI$other: <0.00012 (2012Ko47)
123TE  L 783.61     43/2+              52 FS     +33-21
123TE cL J$spin=(3/2,5/2) from |g|g(|q) in 1969Se09; 5/2 ruled out by |g(|q)
123TE2cL anisotropy in 1979Sc13
123TE  E                         0.150 4   7.27  2              0.150     4
123TES E CK=0.8434 2$CL=0.1235 1$CM+=0.03307 3
123TE  G 278.36    120.0027  5 [M1,E2]                 0.045  4
123TE2 G %IG=0.0023  5
123TES G KC=0.038 3$LC=0.0057 12$MC=0.00114 24
123TES G NC=0.00022 5$OC=2.3E-5 4
123TE  G 343.73    140.0051  5
123TE2 G %IG=0.0043  5
123TE  G 624.58    5 0.093   3 M1+E2                   0.0050 6              C
123TE2 G %IG=0.078  3
123TES G KC=0.0043 5$LC=0.00055 4$MC=0.000109 8
123TES G NC=2.16E-5 15$OC=2.32E-6 21
123TE cG E$weighted average of 624.9 {I5} (1968Ra11), 624.9 {I5} (1970Sp03), and
123TE2cG 624.57 {I5} (1976Wa13). Other: 624 {I1} (1967Se05)
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.08 {I1} (1968Ra11), 0.07 {I2} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 0.100 {I3} (1976Wa13), and 0.0910 {I17} (2012Ko47). Other: 0.044
123TE3cG (1967Se05)
123TE cG MR$+0.10 to +0.18, or +2.3 to +4.9 from |d{+2}/(1+|d{+2})=0.01 to 0.03
123TE2cG or 0.84 to 0.96 (|d>0), respectively, from |g(|q) anisotropy in
123TE3cG 1979Sc13
123TE  G 783.60    6 0.0634  20 M1+E2
123TE2 G %IG=0.0530 17
123TE cG E$weighted average of 784.4 {I6} (1968Ra11), 784.0 {I6} (1970Sp03), and
123TE2cG 783.59 {I6} (1976Wa13). Other: 784 {I1} (1967Se05)
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.05 {I1} (1968Ra11), 0.05 {I2} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 0.071 {I3} (1976Wa13), and 0.0624 {I12} (2012Ko47). Other: 0.030
123TE3cG (1967Se05)
123TE cG MR$+0.20 to +0.33, or -4.9 to -3.0 from |d{+2}/(1+|d{+2})=0.04 to 0.10
123TE2cG (|d>0) or 0.90 to 0.96 (|d<0), respectively, from |g(|q) anisotropy in
123TE3cG 1979Sc13
123TE  L 894.77     83/2+,5/2+         45 FS     +24-14
123TE  E                         0.074 3   7.31  2              0.074     3
123TES E CK=0.8373 3$CL=0.12818 18$CM+=0.03453 6
123TE  G 197.23      0.0004  2 [M1,E2]                  0.13  3             A
123TE2 G %IG=0.00033 17
123TES G KC=0.108 19$LC=0.018 7$MC=0.0037 14
123TES G NC=0.0007 3$OC=7.0E-5 21
123TE  G 206.80      0.004   1 [M1,E2]                 0.112  22            A
123TE2 G %IG=0.0033  9
123TES G KC=0.093 15$LC=0.015 6$MC=0.0031 11
123TES G NC=0.00060 21$OC=6.0E-5 17
123TE  G 295.19      0.0019                                                 A
123TE2 G %IG=0.001588  4
123TE cG E,RI$From author's FIG.4; not given in table 2 (1976Wa13). Other:
123TE2cG I|g<0.00084 (2012Ko47)
123TE  G 405.02    130.0032  4
123TE2 G %IG=0.0027  4
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.0035 {I7} (1976Wa13) and 0.0031 {I4}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)
123TE  G 454.76    150.0041  3
123TE2 G %IG=0.0034  3
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.0047 {I6} (1976Wa13) and 0.00396 {I24}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)
123TE  G 735.87    110.056   7                                               C
123TE2 G %IG=0.047  6
123TE cG E$unweighted average of 736.10 {I6} (1968Ra11), 735.6 {I6} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 735.78 {I7} (1976Wa13), and 736 {I1} (1967Se05)
123TE cG RI$unweighted average of 0.04 {I1} (1968Ra11), 0.05 {I2} (1970Sp03),
123TE2cG 0.074 {I3} (1976Wa13), and 0.0593 {I11} (2012Ko47). Other: 0.029
123TE3cG (1967Se05)
123TE  G 894.8     2 0.00084 9
123TE2 G %IG=0.00070  8
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.0011 {I3} (1976Wa13) and 0.00082 {I9}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)
123TE  L     996.0712(5/2)-
123TE  E                        0.0036 5   8.3    1             0.0036    5
123TES E CK=0.8256 6$CL=0.1371 4$CM+=0.03732 13
123TE  G 556.05    130.0030  3
123TE2 G %IG=0.0025  3
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.0037 {I5} (1976Wa13) and 0.00288 {I24}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)
123TE  G 837.10    200.00056 10
123TE2 G %IG=0.00047  9
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.0006 {I1} (1976Wa13) and 0.00049 {I13}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)
123TE  L 1036.65   123/2+              43 FS     +16-12
123TE  E                        0.0028 11  8.2   2              0.0028    11
123TES E CK=0.8166 9$CL=0.1439 7$CM+=0.03946 21
123TE  G 437.5     3 0.0009  9
123TE2 G %IG=0.0008  8
123TE  G 877.52    170.00086 11
123TE2 G %IG=0.00072 10
123TE cG E$Value of 887.52 listed in author's table 2 is a misprint. See FIG.4.
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.0013 {I8} (1976Wa13) and 0.00085 {I11}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)
123TE  G 1036.63   170.00092 7
123TE2 G %IG=0.00077  6
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.0012 {I3} (1976Wa13) and 0.00091 {I7}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)
123TE  L    1068.16 73/2+,5/2+
123TE  E                        0.0079 8   7.55   5             0.0079    8
123TES E CK=0.8057 14$CL=0.1522 11$CM+=0.0421 4
123TE  G 174.2     3 0.0010  3 [M1,E2]                 0.19   5
123TE2 G %IG=0.0008  3
123TES G KC=0.16 4$LC=0.028 13$MC=0.006 3
123TES G NC=0.0011 5$OC=0.00011 4
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.0010 {I3} (1976Wa13) and 0.0012 {I6}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)
123TE  G 562.79    120.00108 16
123TE2 G %IG=0.00090 14
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.0013 {I5} (1976Wa13) and 0.00106 {I16}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)
123TE  G 578.26    200.0019  5
123TE2 G %IG=0.0016  5
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.0018 {I5} (1976Wa13) and 0.0024 {I10}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)
123TE  G 628.26    220.0019  3
123TE2 G %IG=0.0016  3
123TE  G 909.12    120.00155 11
123TE2 G %IG=0.00130 10
123TE cG RI$weighted average of 0.0016 {I3} (1976Wa13) and 0.00154 {I11}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)
123TE  G 1068.12   150.00145 25
123TE2 G %IG=0.00121 21
123TE cG RI$unweighted average of 0.0017 {I1} (1976Wa13) and 0.00120 {I10}
123TE2cG (2012Ko47)